Friday, July 10, 2009

Change Is Good. Right?

So I've decided to change the name of my photography business. Not that I don't love Beautiful You Photography, I do. I just need something easier for more practical purposes. While it will still be a while before I have all the changes in place, would y'all like to see my new photography name?
Wait for it....
...wait for it...
~ Michelle Monk Photography~
TA-DA!!! Pretty original, don't ya think??
Honestly, I debated and debated before I chose an official name, over whether I should just do, you know, my actual name. I chose otherwise and have regretted it almost from day one. I hate it when I second guess myself.
Anyway, this means a new blog, new business cards, etc, etc... SO. I'll let y'all know when the time comes. Okay?
p.s. I'm really hatin' on blogger right now. This is SO not how I had this post laid out. My creative, perfectionist tendencies are screaming out in objection, but to no avail. :(

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