Sunday, June 28, 2009


I love photography. I hate photography. I am a bipolar photographer apparently.

I shouldn't say that I hate it as much as it frustrates me. On a daily basis. I'm not the most patient person in the world and learning photography is a process. A long, tedious process. You can't learn everything in a day, or a week or even a year. I've been fairly serious about this for only 6 months and yet I want it all. Now.

I look back at the pictures I've taken over the last few months and while I was fairly satisfied with them at the time, they now frustrate me. The learning process, while exciting, is just SO. DANG. FRUSTRATING.

Maybe that's part of the process. Never being satisfied. Always striving to do better. Certainly that can't be all true. Please tell me that at some point I will become happy with what I'm putting out there and that my craft will not always seem to be this thorn in my flesh.

I still have birth pictures that I haven't posted here and some cute newborn ones as well. I've just been in such a frustrated funk that I haven't felt much like posting anything. I'll end up picking it a part and telling myself I stink. And that's not productive in the least I know, but apparently self-deprecation is all apart of my personal learning experience! ha!

I did buy a new, more professional camera though! That was 3 weeks ago! That ought to tell you the kind of funk I'm in. I bought a Canon 40D. Yes, I have forsaken the Nikon brand, but still love my little D60 though it betrayed me so by not auto focusing my 50mm lens! I'll still keep it as a backup though. For what I'm not sure, but that sounds like photographer lingo so I'm sticking with it.

I think part of my Fotographic Frustration (I'm now going to coin this as a some sort of photography disease, I think.) is that I've become stuck. I need to learn more and haven't quite known how to go about the process.

And then guess what?

I found out there is a professional photographer that goes to my church!! Totally cool or what?!?! Her name is Ginger Ivey and I just LOVE her style! And as providence would have it, she's having a workshop at her studio in July! Um ... heck yea I signed up! It's for beginners and will probably cover several things I already know, but I don't care. I know I'll come away with more understanding than I have now. And perhaps my funk will be over and I can muster up some new business. That would be totally cool. And not frustrating.

Which quite honestly.... is even cooler!

And here's a picture just because I attempt to call myself a photographer.


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