Friday, May 22, 2009

In the Thick of It

J & M were the couple I posted about here. They are one of the sweetest, kindest, most adorable couples I have ever met. Ever. They have a heart for the Lord and I was really looking forward to photographing the birth of their first child.

First ones are the best. Or at least that's what I'm told. It was my first time to photograph first timers. Rather ironic, don't ya think?

Anyway, I was called to come to the Birth Center around 9:30 pm on a Wednesday night. Monk was at Care Group with the children and I was home with Charlotte trying to get caught up on a few things. At the time, we only had one car. He had it.

When I called to tell him he needed to get a move on and get home so I could get to the birth, he took me literally. We got the $75 ticket in the mail the other day with photographic proof that he really DID run that red light. I don't suppose the judge would believe us if we told him why he ran that red light. Oh well.

J was progressing nicely when I arrived around 10:30pm. Problem was, she stalled shortly after that. It turned into a long night for her. Bless her heart.


As long and as hard as the night was....she carried on...


...and on.


But what a beautiful end to a hard night!


Baby Liza sure was worth it!


Her newborn shots are coming soon....what a cutie!


  1. Oh my word! I LOVE the last pic! Its gorgeous!!!!

  2. Looks just like it did when we were there- meaning you captured it perfectly :) Great job!! And, I also LOVE the last one... Sweet girl!!

  3. I am so sorry about the ticket :( We really should have given you better notice. Great pics! I have enjoyed looking at them again and again. Thanks for capturing this sweet and intense time for us!

  4. good thing you don't charge by the hour!
    These are beautiful!
